Behind every painting is the inspiration. We love to travel, and many times we'll end up pulling over, because Nathan will see something he needs to capture. More times than not, those moments he captures become future paintings.

It definitely doesn't hurt that New Mexico landscapes are so mesmerizing, with untouched land and a huge sky spanning the horizon. Not to mention the sunsets and sunrises, our colors are unmatched, on both settings. As you'll notice Nathan loves to capture and enhance color on the canvas.
Inspiration is all around us. It's amazing when you see it come to life on canvas. It really is something to get a behind the scenes look at what goes into the creation of a painting.

When you see a painting you try to imagine what the artist was thinking, mood, or intention. Not many people get to see the actual process, this is a peek into the world behind the painting. A little different perspective, and understanding to the artist as well as his work.